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Tony AKa fototaker

Kat Love EXHIBIT in Nerja Costa del Sol

FC member Tony Lee (aka fototaker) is an american freelance artist/photographer who lives in the Cadiz province of southern Spain. He is now preparing for his latest exhibition in nearby Nerja, located on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain. With a total of 31 images displaying the beautYful and artistic form of Kat Love, fototaker places this fantatsic and well-published american artmodel in various Andalucian backgrounds - ranging from the dry desert of Almeria, to the cave-houses of Guadix, to the beaches of the Costa de la Luz. What results is a masterpiece art project that will keep you wondering how it was all accomplished. The sunset beach series alone must be seen!

Cultural Center Nerja, Nerja (Malaga) Spain 19 October to 28 November 2006
317 clicks
M. Mazhar

Hello all

19.09.06, 01:35
359 clicks
Ionut D

a rookie says Hi ! from Romania

29.08.06, 16:49
323 clicks
To the