Help me to learn product photography

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mariah mariah Post 1 of 10
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Hi there! I am Mariah and I am a beginner. I am a professional graphics designer and also a beginner photographer. So here s the thing, I have some websites of my own and do designing and earn a living and also sale designer clothes with my own designs. So at first I design a clothe suppose a t shirt and then I create an unique and also meaning full design for that to print on it and then post it on my webpage where I sale them by taking a photo. Now here is the real thing that is bothering me. As I am a designer and know nothing about photography, I have hired a photographer to do product photography for me.

The thing is he is really good but tends to charge me a lot of money and I have to compromise a lot of my profit for that. So I have decided that I will do the job and I also have a camera. I have Nikon D 7200, but the fact is I know nothing about photography and this thing is killing me. I have tried so many options but I really do not know what angle should I hold and what frame should I choose. I have lights for product photography but when I take a picture the photo seems to wash out. I think my camera is not auto focusing or is very sensitive to light.

The way my photographer took those photos mine are not an inch close to those. I really want to learn and for now only product photography will do the job. I do not have time to go out and learn some actual photography, as only this is hard for me, god knows what will be it like to become one actual photographer who takes it outside and travels a lot. Also I want to know that should I buy any lens fir my camera? as I do not know which kens to buy so please suggest me one. I want to add one more thing that is whenever I take photos of my products for example a shoe, the actual colour does not really appear. The colour seems to fade out a bit. As I am selling those products the colour has to come up perfectly so that people can know what they are buying.

These is one more thing, what is the fact about using flash?, should I or should I not use one?, it seems to me as I am already using artificial lights I should not use flash as it will fade out the colour more and nothing good will happen. There are so much other stuff that I need to know but I think I already made this post too long to read and I do not know I will even get a reply or not. Please forgive me if I wrote anything wrong as I am just a beginner and does not know anything about photography. It will be great if some one replies to my post and help me out.
Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben   Post 2 of 10
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Well, that's quite a question you have put here. The fact is that productphotography is not something you learn just like that. The most important thing is to first learn more about photography, such as lighting, composition and white-balance etc etc.

The best advise i can give you now is to find yourself a proper starters-course in photography in order to learn all the basics about, and then take it from there.
Deleted user Deleted user Post 3 of 10
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Product photography is a long-run learning process. It’s a huge field to learn everything about product photography. By practicing and learning level by level you could enter into the depth of this field. Get the right camera, lens, background, product and right lighting. To get a clear, in-focus, shot of your product, you need the stability of a tripod. It's really important to know about aperture, ISO, and depth of field in photography. Photography is a long run learning process. Here knowledge is everything. You can buy a expensive camera but without knowledge your camera will not work for you.
andreawillwill andreawillwill Post 4 of 10
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There are a lot of video lessons on youtube. Don't worry, it's easy to learn. All you need is self-learning ability and time.
Besides, I recommend you an interesting blog about photography. These tips ... otography/ helped me a lot with product photography for my business.
robojih311 robojih311 Post 5 of 10
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I want to learn about product photography. I mean, who doesn't. It's a pretty big field and there are lots of sub-fields, but I'm interested in learning about how to create great product photography based on my own experience working as a photographer. I've been working on it for the last 2 days and I'm still not sure what is wrong with the photos. I hope you can help me to learn product photography. Administratively edited on 22.01.23, 16:56.
rirawa2532 rirawa2532 Post 6 of 10
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Hi. Go online courses or watch Youtube videos
EtherArts Photography EtherArts Photography Post 7 of 10
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Hi Mariah! For product photography, use diffused lighting and avoid direct flash. Set your camera to manual mode and adjust ISO, aperture, and shutter speed to prevent washout. Invest in a 50mm or 35mm lens. Ensure accurate white balance for true colors. Practice with different angles and lighting setups. Patience and experimentation are key to improvement.
There are plenty of video lessons on YouTube that can help you. Don’t worry, learning product photography is manageable. With some self-discipline and time, you can master it easily.
Terence Sholdice Terence Sholdice Post 8 of 10
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For product photography with your Nikon D7200, try using a tripod and manual focus to avoid washout. Consider a 50mm f/1.8 lens for sharp details. To capture accurate colors, use consistent lighting and avoid flash.
aaadhi aaadhi Post 9 of 10
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Hi Mariah! I was in your shoes too, starting with product photography and feeling overwhelmed. I found that experimenting with lighting and angles made a big difference. For your Nikon D7200, use a tripod and adjust your camera settings to avoid washout. A 50mm lens can help with sharpness. For tracking your progress, check out this guide: ... n-mac.html
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