Infra-red Analog Photography

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Serge Lis Serge Lis Post 1 of 8
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Hello Everybody!
Can you tell me where can I find INFO about how to make EXPOSURE for B&W Infra-red Film using Infra-red Filter and analog camera such as Nikon F401s.
Oliver Suhr Oliver Suhr Post 2 of 8
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I am not used to do analog IR photography, I am doing it digitally only.
I guess you will not find a waterproofed guideline "do it like this and the result will be perfect" - at the end the exposure depends on a couple of drivers: Which filter, which film, how strong is the reflection of IR light....
All guidelines I know are quite rough and end up at "Try&Error" and get experiences....
I would check the info about speed settings etc given with the film and start with exposure bracketings round about the value given by the internal exposure meter.

Most web pages I know are focussed on digital IR (and are in German), so not reallz helpfull.
Maybe you take a look here or

cheers, Olli

p.s.: I would check the compatibility of the F401 - a lot of modern SLR use an internal IR light to controll the position of the film, you could get problems....
Serge Lis Serge Lis Post 3 of 8
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Dear Olli,
many thanks for your reply.
I try to follow your recommendations.
All the best,
Deleted user Deleted user Post 4 of 8
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Hi Serge,

Try looking at the following site: -

It is a mine of information.

Kindest regards,
Serge Lis Serge Lis Post 5 of 8
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Thanks a lot John for your Help.
All the best,
ron t french ron t french Post 6 of 8
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i used to do a lot of film IR.
i set the ISO at 400. if using ID11 developer treat it as ilford FP4 film, same times. you may need to adjust this a bit as every day is different, the temperature may be the same, but the IR reflection is different.
John Sampson John Sampson Post 7 of 8
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Hi Oliver.

This might not be the right forum to post this question, but here goes. I've decided to start processing my own colour films ( negs & transparency), but every site that I've visited for the processing info (chemicals, sequence and times)has come up blank.
I can't even find C41 processing information on the Kodak site, so where does one go for the info.
Processing colour can't be a helluva' lot more complicated than b&w. Just more chemicals and critical temparatures.
Can you suggest a site to visit?

Kind Regards
John Sampson
Stan Wooding (StanW) Stan Wooding (StanW) Post 8 of 8
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I assume you're using a dark red filter?
Read the information leaflet carefully, and with your first film, bracket your exposures.
You'll need a tripod, as the effective ISO will be about 6.
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