Excited - Gerd Ludwig National Geographic in town.

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When When Post 1 of 9
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I'm so excited!!!! I've always idolized Gerd Ludwig, photogrpher for National Geographic. He's on tour with National Geographic's new book WIDE ANGLE - National Geographic Greatest Places - spanning a couple hundred images of the World, many never released. I get to meet him tonight. I'm hoping I can get a picture or two. I can't believe I'm so giddy about it. Gee, I've got butterflies in my stomache. Meeting Bill Clinton didn't get me this nervous.

Post Edited (22:29h)
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 2 of 9
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Hi Wen! stay relaxed and all will be fine :) But it must be huge to meet someone like Gerd Ludwig! I think you will be fine and i hope that you can get your picture's of him!
love to hear how it went :)
When When Post 3 of 9
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Hi Dennis,
Of course I was nervous!! What a nice guy. I had my husband and daughter with me, two hours of looking at pictures was asking a lot of them. I so much wanted to spend more time, but had to get them back home. My hands were shaking when I took this. He was very amused that I asked if I could photograph him. He posed for me signing a copy of the new book. His image is the front cover. The book is fantastic!! Well worth the $30. for such a large full color collection.


For When - Shoot Your Dreams - Gerd Ludwig.

You can read the comment on the picture. You would have loved it Dennis!!http://gerdludwig.com/

http://shop.nationalgeographic.com/shop ... wide+angle

Post Edited (7:24h)
When When Post 4 of 9
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Oh, and might mention that the funniest thing he had to say is that all photographers have major egos - we all think OUR view of the world is the best. That's paraphrasing, he said it in a very humorous way - but so true.
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 5 of 9
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I agree! With Gerd Ludwig and you Wen,
I have just seen his website and his photography IS outstanding, i love the colors that have been used, the compositions and the story the photo's tell :)

I will be sure to keep an eye out for the book, and thanks to the link i can get it when i can :)

It is also great that he pointed out that different people have different eyes and feels and emotions when they see a photograph.
That is also a reason i always keep in mind that you cannot please everyone with your work.
This not only goes for photography but for all things in life.

im glad you have the photo and i am glad that he was a relaxed man. a great example of how you should live.
Do the thing you like and enjoy life.

When When Post 6 of 9
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What do you think of his Grimm's Fairy Tales Dennis? He spoke on his motivation for the series and what some of the pictures meant to him. They are favorites of mine. They are all "found" candid pictures, not set up. The ones he showed were from the area or around where he grew up. I did a series called "Nightmares" which were related to childhood experiences that I based on Grimm's tales. Have you seen them?

Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 7 of 9
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It is bizarre how the photo's match the quotes or the atmnosphere of the tales, grimm :) when i looked at his website earlier today the fairytales catched my eyes at first, and also the one in the benneton store (because i want to have my work printed in large formats) those were eyecatching, and the other ones are great too!
when i was little i used to read a lot of fairytales, i had a book with golden letters in it telling the tales of rapunzel, hans and grettel, the sleeping beauty etc, and i always felt they were a bit dark.
But the way Gerd has captured these moments really suit the whole picture :)
Im curious about the "Nightmare" series, do you have them on FC?
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 8 of 9
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I have made a photo, and now that i have heard about the Grimm photo's i got an idea... to name it...RAPUNZEL :)
I hope you will like it, the fairytale is written with it!

When When Post 9 of 9
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I don't have the Nightmare pictures public on FC any longer along with some of my darker more raw work. I found that FC was too conservative an audience for the psychological issues they dealth with. They were done intentionally raw, FC tends to focus on pleasant, technically perfect pictures. I'll send a couple privately.

What was so great about the presentation with Gerd Ludwig was he told the stories behind his photographs. Without the commentary the pictures were obsure at times. The first part of the presentation was about his specific works. Many of them he showed are not on the website. He presented his Grimm's Fairy Tales and parts of his series taken at different times of his life on Russia, the Rain Forest and a dying sea in California.

I've been reading the book today - the text by Ferdinand Protzman , who is a contributing editor to ARTnews Magazine is compelling. It's made me crazy to get back to it everytime I have to put it down. The pictures were chosen from over 10 million National Geographic images. Just amazing.
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