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Jenifer Oguing Jenifer Oguing Post 1 of 5
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hi everyone my name is jen and im a new member, ijust have this 1 question ,what is the best position of the camera when taking photo of those people with round faces or large jaw, so as to make their faces small in pictures, coz im having a problem taking them. i hope someone can answer this question. thank you. ill wait for the reply
Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben Post 2 of 5
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Hi Jenifer, Welcome to the club.
Lenses for portrait photography are usually 80 - 135 mm, but this is difficult to answer as i do not know what kind of camrea u use.
Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 3 of 5
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As Ruud mentioned...80 - 135 mm to keep porpotion of face looking best ( 35 mm and most digital )
Non Member Non Member Post 4 of 5
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like rund and detlef said a 80-135mm is best for compressing big noses and other features maybe shooting from slightly above will help reduce a large jaw.
Jenifer Oguing Jenifer Oguing Post 5 of 5
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your right Mr. Tony Dean ive tried what have said and it work the, and the good news is that that person like my shot. its a great feeling when u get that respond form people right anyway thanks again.
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