What if you had $1000.00?

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Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 1 of 5
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I thought I'd take a little survey here.

The question is.......

What DSLR camera would you buy, if you were limited to $1000 American dollars?

Personally, through my researching, I've come to the conclusion that the best available camera for that amout of money, would be the Nikon D50.

Anyone else care to comment?

Brad Waldera
Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 2 of 5
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nikon d70s or d 100
Martin Unger Martin Unger Post 3 of 5
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Hi Brad!
So I've not worked with the D50 I think it would be a good choice, and you could spend some more on good lenses. But have a look at the D70(s) too, and decide then if the extra-features are worth spending a little bit more on the body.
And choose the right lens, the standard kit lens which comes with the D50 doesn't seem to be the very best, so it could be worth to look for a really good lens too.
OK, I'm a Nikon-man, so I can't say very much about other brands, but have also a look at the Canons...
My camera is the D70, and I certainly would buy it again...
Danny W. Wilson Danny W. Wilson Post 4 of 5
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I have 2 Canon 300D's and love them. So, I'd advise on the Canon 350D. It's the newest model in your price range.

Post Edited (4:35h)
Non Member Non Member Post 5 of 5
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i use a canon 350D and i`m very happy with it. it`s lite and fast with very low noise at high iso. but i beleave nikons d70 is just as good. any camera is only as good as the optics you put infront of it poor lens poor photos.
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