Human Pyramid...and the Collapse
My friends building their own human pyramid.. for it then to collapse on top of them! =)
Human Pyramid...and the Collapse
My friends building their own human pyramid.. for it then to collapse on top of them! =)
Nora Baboom 28/02/2007 10:58
I love this photo:)Jaime Crystal Attenborough 31/10/2006 2:02
very cool shot, it tells a story , you have a great group of friends :)well done
Jamie Hollett 29/10/2006 15:08
lol nice one Josh, very candid & funny. Well captured.Stephen Case 28/10/2006 21:25
wOoO human pyramid ... always fun!Jordan Bussell 28/10/2006 16:17
hey hey, nice photos... thiiink i might know who you are...? not sure though! nice shots here though. great color