

Many photos of of fotocommunity members are related to each other.

Sense of this section is to allow members to present several photos at once related to one and the same subject.

This can be a sequence, describing something happing in a certain order. Therefore the photos are to be placed in a certain row.

This can be a series, a collection of photos describing a certain subject out of different views and manners. No certain row necessary.

Minimum number of photos should be at least 3, maximum…? (You should decide)

The author can write a description including title and the background sense. Comments should be related to the complete set of photos. Examples for “Projects” can be themes like: “Water”, my set of photos “The Potter” describing the nature of this handcraft, the 4 seasons focusing on a certain item in nature…. any many more...
471 Photos | Page 1 by 8