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Heraldic flag of Queen Adelaide

Heraldic flag of Queen Adelaide

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Richard Num

Free Account, Adelaide

Heraldic flag of Queen Adelaide

Adelaide (1792-1849) was the Queen Consort of William IV who was King of the United Kingdom and Hannover 1830-1837.

Princess Adelheid Amalie Luise Therese Carolin was the daughter of Joseph, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg. In July 1818 she married William, a son of George III (King of Great Britain and Hannover), and changed her name from Adelheid to Adelaide. As Queen she impaled her husband's arms with her father's, shown here on a heraldic banner located in St Paul's Church of England Pro-Cathedral in Malta. Queen Adelaide was well known for her charity - she was a benefactor of the Anglican Cathedral in Malta and of the Diocese of Adelaide in South Australia. The city of Adelaide, capital of the state of South Australia, is named for her. She had two children, who died in infancy.

October 1998.

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