Children's Art School, the artist Talalay - the teacher and his picture
Children's Art School, the artist Talalay - the teacher and his picture
Babs Sch 16/05/2016 9:47
+++LG Babs
melkart (pepe jaime) 23/10/2015 19:06
Que bonita niña....excelente carboncillo y magnífico tu trabajo Vera. BesosEmma M. 01/10/2015 21:43
Horoshij snimok, mne nravitsja.privet, lena
Inez Correia Marques 29/09/2015 23:42
very beautiful drawing . !!it seems like a very talented artist has just finished a wonderful work!! Bravo you photo is lovely too
Gisela57 18/09/2015 18:37
A very beautiful drawing . . . and you show us the skills and talent of this artist very impressive. I am sure his drawing is a good promotion to visit his school, but I suppose, that the hard time nowadays is especially hard for artists.Best wishes, Gisela
Michèle FLEURY 17/07/2015 18:04
Un dessin très fin, un portrait délicat et très expressif de l'enfant, un encadrement classique : voilà une belle prise pour admirer l'oeuvre, bravo au photographe et à l'artiste! Amitiés, MichèlePeter Führer 02/07/2015 18:51
Fantastisch gemacht ! Porträt u. dein Bild !LG Peter
Günter Nau 20/06/2015 18:09
Ein tolles Kinderportrait. Ich hoffe, daß wir Dich hier wieder öfter sehen.Grüße Günter
JURAFR 17/06/2015 10:11
Joli pastel , beaucoup de douceur se dégage de ce portrait , bravoAmitiés
Pierre LAVILLE 17/06/2015 6:44
Magnifique tableau !!++++++
Amitiés . Pierre
odeveld219 05/05/2015 20:54
Indeed a beautiful drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Greetings, Odeveld
Zenonas 05/05/2015 17:38
Very nice work, like the reflection of clouds in top right...regards
tanu676 29/04/2015 22:17
hast du gut gesehenwonderful drawing
lg tanu
nice greetings
Rainer Beneke 20/04/2015 0:11
Ein feines Portrait und ebenso schön wie Du es hier uns zeigst.Gefällt mir.
LG Rainer
Peter van der Houwen 19/04/2015 19:29
Very beautiful indeed!Peter