Kim Le

Free Account, Beaumaris

About me

Everlasting Genesis
Subliminal Silence
Concentrated Knowledge
Abstract Sounds
Personal Empowerment
Expression Art

Thoughtful Emotion
Radical Tenderness
Unearthly Grasps
Thinning Barriers
Honing Senses

the world definitely is one amazing place


Comments 10

  • Ariane Schneider 04/06/2006 22:25

    Hey Kimi, Nice too see your pictures here. Do you feel good?? HIHI Isch freu Misch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kusni Kasdut 04/06/2006 0:53

    thank you for visiting my pictures Kim and take care
  • Isabel2 Cruz 25/04/2006 22:13

    Thanks for your comment. I use the photoshop for that photo:)
  • Kerstin Rösler 01/04/2006 17:08

    Hey Down Under, Hi Kim....especially thanks for your nice comments and also for Greetings from the most beautiful country.
    Wish you always fun and great Shots.
    Regards Kerst
  • Helmut Gross 01/04/2006 12:14

    Hi Kim,

    thanks for your comment.

    Greetings to Australia.

    Best regards Helmut

  • Vivian Engels 14/03/2006 12:09

    Hey Kimmi...

    We have some nice pictures of you! ;) You're really photogenic.

    Hope to see you again.
  • Marcus Abraham 13/03/2006 12:08

    Ahoi Genosse !!! :-)
  • Franco Forte 11/03/2006 8:46

    welcome to the community of foto takers and lovers.

    Look forward to some more of your nice shots

  • When 10/03/2006 10:09

    A warm FC welcome Kim. Hope you enjoy the community.
  • Martin Unger 09/03/2006 21:27

    Hello Kim,
    welcome to the fotocommunity!

    It's a great place to show your pictures, discuss them and share knowledge with colleagues, both amateur and professionals. I'm sure you will enjoy it!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or one of my colleagues from the team

    A lot of information you can also find in our online help

    (Great statement above, show us more pictures from the undercover spy... :))

    Greetings from Norway
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