The Ritz Tower - A Midtown Manhattan Impression...
...or "The Elevator Operator Was Merlin" (*)
The elegant Ritz Tower apartment hotel was built in 1926, and at forty-one stories was
the first high-rise apartment tower. It is located on Park Avenue, just a few blocks north
of Grand Central Terminal, on the other side of the Helmsley Building. (**)
In 2002, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission
designated The Ritz Tower as an official New York City Landmark building.
While the outside was a bit compromised by some scaffolding on this crisp December night in 2018,
the canopy, the doorman, and the Lincoln Continental parked outside all combined to provide
a visual which I felt spoke to the glamour and romance of this favorite stretch of Park Avenue.
©2021 Steve Ember
(*) The photo's musical back-story ;-)
claudine capello 04/03/2021 11:03
bella foto ben composta ! compimenti clMatthias Moritz 04/03/2021 8:10
Nice impression with a smell of money :-)